In 2019, tidying became the new fidget spinner. It’s productive, gratifying, and most importantly, trendy…So darn trendy. It almost feels like our friends have been intentionally accumulating clutter for the express purpose of sharing with the world that they’re #TidyingUpWithMarieKondo. Well, here at Trail Pittsburgh, we’re trendy too, but we’re tidying up the trails you know and love, not our closets. Our closets are just fine the way they are, thank you very much.

The thing is, the trails around Southwestern Pennsylvania are a lot bigger than most closets, so we can always use more hands to help tidy up. Throughout the year, our network of volunteers, led by a team of trail stewards, do everything from clearing leaves to repairing trail sections to building bridges and berms. No matter the season, our dedicated crews are out in the woods, working to ensure that our trail systems are fun, safe, and sustainable.

Want to get a taste of what it’s like to be a Trail Pittsburgh Steward?

Join us at 9:00 am on March 24th at South Park’s 100 Acres House for Spring Steward Training Day 2019. If you’re interested in becoming a Steward, we’ll be hosting a beginner’s class, covering all the basics of trail maintenance and construction:

  • Learn the basics of building sustainable trials
  • Safety training on leading a team of volunteers
  • Working with land managers on larger projects

For our experienced Stewards, we’ll also have an advanced class to help hone your skills for the upcoming season. Following the classroom session, we’ll all head into the park to tidy up, Trail Pittsburgh style.

Check back this Spring for more information. Looking to volunteer before March? Fill out our Volunteer form here:

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